Thursday, 2 June 2016

Roads in Cutervo II

We were able to return in time to the community of Huarrago for a meeting with parents of children with projectable capabilities, organized by Doña Angela Burga in her hospitable house.

Sharing our frustrated journey, we asked Ángela when would be the best time of the year to come visit, so as to avoid future inconveniences. She looked at us sadly and told us how the climate has changed drastically; before they knew when the rain would come and they could regulate their work in the fields. Now everything is so much more uncertain.

This is a problem that all our coordinators and volunteers of the network are facing – their hard work is made harder by the erratic climate.

It’s known that our coordinators travel from community to community to exchange books and visit the Rural Libraries, but what is often unknown or unseen is the long hours, and indeed the danger, involved in the journey.

Maybe many don’t see it because they don’t complain nor seek recognition: a coordinator travels for the love of reading and the belief they are helping spread a precious seed, a seed that was once abundant but now rare. A seed that puts roots in the earth while reaching for the sky.

Lynda Sullivan

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