Wednesday, 7 February 2024


When we hear the word "assembly", the memory of a long, tedious and tiring meeting may come to our mind, like those we often had at our children's school... or have, still.

Fortunately, in the Rural Libraries Network, this concept is totally different, since it is a "government" and decision-making body, with representatives of the communities where the libraries are located.

We begin each Assembly asking for permission and the blessing of our land, of the Apus and of our deceased. We entrust them with the success of our activities and the care of our families who stay at home. We look for different ways to review the history of our Network and the values that a volunteer should show, because from time to time it is necessary to remember our beginnings and our raison d'ĂȘtre. We also read together and evaluate how we are doing in the exercise of reading to understand what we read, to give our opinion and to discern.

We participate in the book exchange party. We enjoy together the moments of meals, we laugh with each occurrence and memory. We pray remembering those who have already gone and left us all this legacy, especially our dear Alfredo, we ask him to continue guiding us along the path he showed us years ago.

We take a moment to review the tasks that have been done and the tasks that are still pending. We look together for the solution to some difficulties that we committed ourselves to solve in the time that we see each other, before we return to our communities.

The days pass quickly and it is time to say goodbye. We all return to our homes and communities, with new books and the task of insisting on reading, "because we are stubborn", as Alfredo used to say.

This is what a General Assembly in the Rural Libraries Network is like.

This year, we are already preparing for what is to come because in April we will have our first Assembly.

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