Friday, 3 November 2023

The dreaming of Ñaupa: a play for dreaming

October 16 was a special day: the students of the IE "Sagrado Corazón" attended the Auditorium of the National University of Cajamarca, Jaén branch, to pay tribute to Alfredo Mires Ortiz, a wise and humane person, optimistic and a fighter, that they would have loved to meet and listen to.

Alfredo is the author of the book La ensoñación del Ñaupa (The Dream of the Ñaupa), which the students had read and worked on in class. They expressed with affection and enthusiasm what they knew and had learned from Alfredo through the reading of his book, where the author transmits to us his deep desires of fraternity, union, kindness and equality. Everyone came to the conclusion that in the book Alfredo exposes his dreams of a better world, a vision that he himself was helping to build with each seed sown in the communities and educational institutions where the books of the Rural Libraries of Cajamarca have reached.

Several students participated in the event held within the framework of the Jaén Book Fair. With aplomb and a lot of emotion they presented the biographical data of Alfredo Mires, supported by their attractive timelines. Therefore, today we know that Alfredo studied in difficult times, during the war between Peru and Ecuador between 1990 and 1999, at the Salesian University of Quito and that he was the eighth person to graduate as an "expert".

The great thing about this tribute was the reading of the verses that the students created from the dreams that Alfredo allowed to flow. Here, some of them for your delight and long live Alfredo, in each verse, in each dream and in each feeling expressed.

Thank you Professor Asunciona, thank you Professor Polinéstor for the great work done.

Those who dream

Share their dreams

With those who do not dream

So that they can dream together.

Juan Carlos and Dany; 1st "C".

No one will ask for forgiveness

Because no one will be offended.

Anika and Diego; 1st "C".

The word war will have no 

meaning in the dictionary

because only peace will exist.

Henry and Danna; 1st "B".

All dreams must be deep

so that later the world will not end for you.

your dream must have true feeling.

Jhon Eduardo Perez Jara

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