Friday, 3 November 2023

New BRIE in La Rioja

At the beginning of October, Igor Irigoín, director of the Educational Institution "Manuel Pardo" - Pampa de la Rioja, in Sócota, Cutervo, inaugurated a Rural Library. Igor shares this text with us:

After a few weeks of planning and work, we achieved the organisation of the books that will be at the service of students, parents and teachers. Today our library was put at the service of our students in a permanent way in the courtyard of our school. We reiterate our gratitude to the Network of Rural Libraries of Cajamarca for accompanying this process of promoting reading, before in the communities and now in the Educational Institutions of the communities. Today the students can take the books to their homes to be able to read together with their families, scrutinize the wisdom they contain and take advantage of the experiences of our grandparents and wise members of the community contained in their pages. 

"Reading makes us stronger".

"He is not illiterate who does not know how to read, but it is he who, knowing how to read, does not read."

Thanks to the entire educational community for this nice welcome of our books. 

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