the beginning of September our sister Rita Mocker travelled to
Sócota, in the province of Cutervo, to visit the Community Program
Coordinators in the area, accompanied by Ilse, a visitor, and Hannah,
a volunteer for the Network. The green of the mountains and the song
of the river welcomed us to this pleasant village.
the house of Abel we had a meeting with the parents and children in
his charge. The mothers had made a great effort to come, they were
animated and in a good mood. Rita talked with each mother and child
to see how they were doing and whether to start some other therapy or
support them in some other way. Coordinator Nadia also came and
attended the meeting: we were very impressed with the effort that the
coordinators and the families of the children are making. And we very
much regret the death of one of the children: we think a lot about
his mother and all his family.
next day we left early to the town of San Luis de Lucuma, and with
Abel we visited some children in the village of Chilac. In the
afternoon we met in San Luis de Lucma with the coordinator Luz Nelva
and the children she attends. Rita talked to each child and their mom
or dad and showed them some exercises and foot and face massage.
last day of our stay we visited the coordinator Angela in the town of
Huarrago. Arriving, Angela introduced us to the teacher and her
daughter Aldana's classroom, and the girl Fiorela who is also in the
Community Program. The two girls, attending classes every day, were
attentive to the teacher's instruction, and had become good friends
with their classmates, thanks to the efforts of Angela and the
teacher. During the meeting at Angela's house, we met all the
children in her care, as well as their fathers and mothers.
lunch the adults cooked, while with the children chopped fruits to
make a salad. For dessert, Ilse prepared a quinoa mazamorra
with fruit salad that we all liked! To end the meeting, Ilse gave a
short presentation on nutrition, explaining what we can eat to feed
ourselves. Quinoa, an ancestral grain native to the Andean highlands,
has a nutritional value that can not be compared to any other grain.
In addition to being good to eat, it is easy to plant, so everyone
should leave a little space on their farm to grow their quinua. We
give our sincere thanks to those who voluntarily support the
Community Program and who accompany us in our work!
returning to Cajamarca on Thursday, we said goodbye to the
coordinators, the children and their families, and the beautiful
valley of Sócota, with a heart full of good cheer.

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