At the beginning of the 1980s, Alfredo Mires and his team began to rescue the oral tradition of Cajamarca, a collection of the great wisdom of our grandparents. Since then, the Rural Libraries not only promote reading but also produce their own books which we proudly call 'Los Nuestros' (Our own) - those that speak of our roots, that take us back to past times but that also make us value the present and tell us that we are important, that we know something and that we must continue learning. Most importantly they make us reflect on the care of nature, because everything has life, everything has a reason for being.
So, with the best spirit and learning a little at a time, we continue with this legacy, and now we are reediting our books of the Encyclopaedia Campesina; we already have again Dios Cajacho, Seres del más acá, Tintes y tejidos, Nuestras herramientas, Música maestro, Todos los tiempos, Trenzando sombras, José María and soon the Hombres de Kishuar. Los Nuestros will continue to tell, will continue to teach. We will continue to enliven the memory of our peoples.
Our gratitude to those who supported the rescue, and now to those who are working hard on the editing, revision and printing.
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