Sunday, 10 December 2023

Book Donations

In reference to the space where the coordinators exchange the books that are then taken to the libraries in the communities, our brother Alfredo said: "the Exchange Center is the heart of the Rural Libraries Network of Cajamarca". And there is no truer truth. Books are the veins that carry the ancestral knowledge of the oral tradition of Cajamarca, compiled through time. This knowledge is what the Network publishes in volumes, fascicles and series to nourish and feed our minds and our culture on a daily basis.

The book is one more member of the family, just like people, animals, plants and everything that lives in our homes.

The Network of Rural Libraries of Cajamarca has published, up to now, more than 180 titles that supply the libraries in the different communities in whatever modality of operation: as Rural Library in Educational Institution (BRIE), Family Library (Libraries in Fa) or the ancestral Rural  Libraries in Community. All of them are supplied with our publications.

Sometimes we include some other titles that we are able to obtain thanks to the support of people close to the Network who continuously donate bibliographic material that they have at home or that they publish themselves and share with us.

That is why in this opportunity we want to thank the people who help us with different book donations. These books accompany ours, and are always received with love and taken to our libraries in the ruralv communities with great joy.

Thanks to all the donors for such an important and valuable contribution to our work.

Rosa Rumay

BBRR Exchange Center

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