Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Encouraging us to read

In our meetings and visits to the countryside, for several years now, we have heard expressions such as "reading is not what it used to be", "young people don't want to read any more, they are only on their mobile phones". That makes me sad, thoughtful, attentive.

I believe that television, WhatsApp and mobile phones are not in competition with books; they are simply other, different means of communication. And that, with rare exceptions, nobody reads a book on their mobile.

This gives us the option to look at the situation from another angle and to re-evaluate the book as a tool and a firm companion in our wanderings.

In August I was invited to a school in Sucse, Sócota, Cutervo. There we have a rural library in an educational institution, which opened at the beginning of the year. The person in charge is Abel Vásquez Saucedo, a skilled and committed coordinator with a long career as a reading promoter in the network.

We started the day with some games and dynamics to "break the ice", get to know the students and sound out their interest in books. And we were surprised by the spirit of these students: no one was left aside, everyone wanted to participate, everyone paid attention and collaborated with great enthusiasm.

Afterwards, Abel led a reading circle with students and teachers, using the book Letter from Chief Seattle. Once again we were pleased with the active participation and the dedication of everyone. It was a very enjoyable day, and I confirm: if we encourage reading with enthusiasm and preparation, we spread the passion for books. That is what we try to do in the Libraries.

Rita Mocker

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