Monday, 27 March 2023

Reading with the heart

In an age as detached from reading as the one we are living in, in which screens have absorbed time, existence and the means of entertainment, and in which, moreover, official educational parameters argue that "the use of technology is the means that allows the true development of students' abilities" - especially the youngest ones - it is truly not a light, but a fire of hope to find someone under the age of 45 who, of their own free will, reads outside the parameters demanded by school or the academic world - which, by the way, do not include as many texts as one would expect - thus making the act of reading something not only scarce, but also strange in today's society. 

In this context, the attitude of Paula Mikaela and Rafaella Ariadna Seclén Gamarra, two sisters aged 10 and 9, friends of the Network, who after a visit to our house last September by their parents and grandmother -José Seclén, Milagros Gamarra and Maruja Mires, relatives and friends of ours- was particularly pleasing and uplifting. 

Acts like these definitely inspire us not only to continue with our work - especially in these times - but they are also a clear and convincing demonstration that the readers of the heart, the globetrotters of pages, the dreamers of ink and the imaginers of paper - that is to say, the genuine readers - will never die.

Rumi Mires

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