Sunday, 10 July 2022

Municipal laurels

In Rural Libraries we take volunteering seriously: we work quietly for the good of the community, without advertising.

However, it is nice when people or entities outside our work take notice of what we do, recognise the value and meaning of our work and spread it.

Alfredo Mires Ortiz, our general coordinator, has been writing, designing and publishing books for almost 40 years. To date, more than 200 titles have been born out of his initiative and with his support - silently and without expecting anything in return.

That is why we are delighted that on 2nd June, the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca awarded Alfredo the "Municipal Laurels" in a private and meaningful ceremony.

On its website, the Municipality comments:

Municipal Manager Ricardo Azahuanche, on behalf of Mayor Henry Alcán-tara, presented the recognition to this illustrious character for being "Promoter of the Rural Libraries of Cajamarca and the Country, as well as for his important literary and intellectual contribution and his contribution to the promotion of reading in the rural communities of Cajamarca. It is worth remembering that Alfredo Mires was recently awarded the House of Literature Prize for his "renovating vision of books, reading and literature, in dialogue with the needs of the community.

Congratulations, Alfredo. A well deserved recognition.

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