Sunday, 10 July 2022

Daniel, Network volunteer and reader

To this joy of knowing that children and teenagers from Jaen will be delighted with the wonderful stories of our books, we can add the joy of having the presence of little Daniel, volunteer and reader of the Network. Daniel leaves his games and joins in the work to organise the boxes with books, encouraging us at all times and making everything more bearable. He confidently says when you have to climb the ladder to bring down the box with books - 'don't be afraid, you won't fall, and if you do, I'll help you' - or - 'I think these books are being mistreated in this location' and 'hurry up and help me with another flannel because with my patience when will we finish' - at his young age he makes us understand that everything is possible and that the books need our care.

May the children and young people who receive these books not only read them, but also take care of them and continue to share them; may the magic of reading be completed with their tenderness and curiosity; may they continue to motivate us to continue telling our history and valuing the wisdom of our grandparents.

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