Friday, 15 April 2022

The elf in the labyrinth

I am not in favour of the Reading Plan in schools. Experiences with our children have shown me that it is better to leave the freedom to choose which books one wants to read. But I do believe that there are books that one should read - at some point in one's life.

El duende del laberinto y otros cuentos medulares (The elf in the labyrinth and other cornerstone stories), published by our Rural Library Network in 2016 is definitely one of those books.

And it is not just my opinion: many readers from different parts of the world have confirmed it; many teachers are using this book in their classes and many people have described to us their delight in holding this little book in their hands.

This elf invites you to think, to imagine, to give your opinion, to dream... and also to see the world in a different way. Some call it "criticality", although I think it is, rather, a way of encouraging us to be surprised and to consider other ways of reflecting.

I share with you one of my favourite stories from this book:

The Wig

With so much sorrow life became bald.

She was ashamed of being bald.

So she gathered fluff of joy and made herself a false wig.

Life is beautiful when she has hair done up like that.

But there's a lot of wind in the world.

Rita Mocker.

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