Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Reading Lessons in the Network

Some time ago, in one of the many workshops with young people, children, teachers and students that our brother Alfredo Mires carries out, he expressed the following:

“— Did any of you know that it was going to rain today? Was there a sign?

- It was cloudy.

- What other sign was there?

— The clouds were grey.

— What other signs were there? Is there a mountain that warns? Who knows that, what mountain warns? Which of the mountains: the Huasmín or the Qayaqpuma?

— The Huasmin.

— What does the Huasmín do to warn that it is going to rain?

— Lower the cloud.

— Here we have a reader, an extraordinary reader! Because the first step to becoming ignorant is not knowing how to read nature. A reader who knows that when the cloud lowers and settles on the mountain - he puts on a hat, we say - it is going to rain. He is reading nature.

You can't be a good book reader if you don't read nature.

If we go outside and see rubbish and we don't realize that we are living among rubbish, and we don't do anything about this problem, it means that we are not reading nature.

If we see a sad, pale, sorrowful friend, and we don't notice, it means that we are not reading, reading him; he is sick, something has happened to him.

That is reading.

Reading is the perception of reality: that is the first step to being a reader. If someone praises themself for reading books, but does not know how to read nature, they are not a good reader.

Reading begins with reading reality. This has to be well understood."

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