Monday, 27 December 2021

Here we are

They wanted to cancel us yet here we are, despite our regrets, walking on the path with a firm step and with enthusiasm; proud of our roots, adapting to the new times, without neglecting our essence.

We still are; we are earth, we are water, we are the air we breathe; descendants of wise men, workers, fighters and, above all, respectful of everything that exists.

Here we are in the Rural Libraries Network, together because that way we are stronger; thanking our mother earth, giving her our appreciation for everything she gives us: the rich potatoes, the ollucos, the ocas, the mashuas, the good wheat, the barley, the corn, the lucmas, the tunas, the custard apples, the blackberries, pushgay, aguaymanto and many other products that remain to be mentioned. We also thank you for being the source of life for guinea pigs, partridges, vizcachas, hummingbirds and more. We thank our apus (sacred mountains) for protecting us from droughts, for acclimating our environment, for brightening the landscape; and we thank our deceased, for being a presence, for always accompanying us.

We are here to share this joy with those who are coming.

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