Sunday, 1 August 2021


Simple and silent, this is our Rural Libraries Network. Our noise is made by our books and the saddlebags that carry them from one community to another. Our noise is made by the gaits of the community members, the children who read our stories, the families who read around the stove. Our noise is made by the written words and the communities from which they emerge.

And that internal noise is recognized.

On this occasion, we receive with pleasure and gratitude, the motion of congratulations granted by the Council of the Inter-American School of Librarianship of the University of Antioquia, given in the city of Medellín, Colombia, on 12th July of this year. This motion reads, to the letter:

“For its dedicated librarian work in its 50 years of existence, which with its community work has accompanied the formation of reading groups, the application of what has been read, the production of bibliographic material typical of the population, and the construction of a culture of peasant communities that promote traditional knowledge."

From Cajamarca, we are recognized by this gesture of solidarity that is consistent with the principles of a university that promotes reading and appreciates the efforts of other organizations, such as the Rural Libraries Network of Cajamarca.

Thank you, friends from the University of Antioquia, in Medellín.

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