Tuesday, 16 March 2021

We party and celebrate

Alfredo had his birthday and for us, the family of the Rural Libraries Network, it is a reason to party and celebrate.

We celebrated his day with sincere affection, although this year we had to do it through virtual greetings and hugs from a distance; but, yes, with a good green broth for breakfast and a beautiful and tasty Ñaupa cake.

And we celebrate the "Makings" of him, as he himself tells us in his book "Resuellos", the makings thanks to which he is who he is:

My chest is made of fertile land

Fertilized with memories

and I am seeded with the future

with the seeds of heaven.

The earth does her part

and water her daily ration

to form the mortar

of this life of solidarity.

In this family of the Network we give thanks for the "workings" with which Alfredo was forged: thanks to life, to water, to earth, to memories. And thank you also for all the wonderful beings that spring from that workmanship: solidarity, love for others, desires for justice. Thank you for his tenderness and also for his firmness, for his passion and his love of reading. But above all, thank you for him being himself and sharing himself with all of us.

Lola Paredes

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