Sunday, 14 March 2021

Keeping on learning

I am Polinestor Huamán Tineo, from the province of Jaén, Cajamarca. I am a teacher and I am very grateful to be able to participate in this great project that is being developed, which is in the light of all of Peru and the world.

For me, reading is the main and essential part and the cultural axis for the integral development of the person, because reading allows us to fully develop the entire personality of every human being: of children, adults, adolescents, young people and the elderly. And it also feeds the cultural baggage that we have.

I have been able to realize how reading works here, a didactics and a strategy that includes questions and comments. And how that reading is fed and reinforced through songs. It is very important because it helps to get the message of the reading.

In addition, there is the reading of the texts born from the rescue of the cultural tradition of the living peoples of Cajamarca.

We have a lot to learn and continue forward.

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