Thursday, 18 February 2021

The itinerant rural library

At the end of 2020, Alfredo Mires shared with librarians from the National Network of Public Libraries of Colombia.

The topic was "The itinerant rural library and its relations with the community", in the fifth session of the Cycle of Virtual Encounters of the National Traveling Library Program, PaLaBriando.

On this occasion Alfredo shared his wisdom on the subject of libraries as autonomous community and rural projects. Some elements that he explained:

- The community is not a donation, nor a concession, nor a gift.

- Not only the birth, but the path. Depending on what is sown and with whom it is sown, the harvest will be seen.

- The library must emerge from the colors and context of the rural.

- The basic community forms us, educates us, forges us.

In this link you can see the full discussion:

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