A few days ago, our colleague Humberto Huamán Lara sent us a recording. Humberto is Coordinator of the Network of Rural Libraries in the El Enterador area, El Tambo district, in Bambamarca, and he also cares for several children of the Community Program.
In this way, Humberto combines library activities with the care and support of children with projectable abilities. He does this through the attention of Rural Libraries in Educational Institutions (BRIE), the promotion of reading or our Reading for Others program.
From his community, in the midst of a torrential rain, he shares:
“We are here today, 6th July, with the blessing of the rain for our crops and pastures, for our agriculture. We are here with the fourth and sixth grade students of the Luichocolpa Primary school, students from the “San Juan Bautista” School of El Enterador, and some authorities to make up our reading circle. Reading is important because it is the food of the brain.
We read the books in the Biblioteca Campesina series to learn how to relive our Cajamarcan tradition. Thanks to the books of Cajamarca we can do that and thus also practice reading at home.
Today we are reading the story The rabbit and the Fox, from the book The Lazy One and other stories.”
From here we thank Humberto, the students and community members, for this strong and beautiful initiative.

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