In April Alfredo Mires Ortiz, Executive Advisor to the Rural Libraries Network of Cajamarca, was invited to participate in a cycle of conversations via the Internet: "Covid-19 under debate: Perspectives, contexts and subjectivities", with the theme "Pandemic and community".
He specified what community implies: “a form of perception based on vital links with the whole environment. A sense of affiliation in which mountains, rivers, humans, animals, plants, stones, stars, winds, and souls share the same umbilical cord and, as such, interact and complement each other. ”
In turn, he recounted the history of viruses, pandemics and diseases that have decimated our peoples since the European invasion. He recalled that the Indians were the fuel for the Spanish colonialist productive system: "Here the plague that killed the most was greed, permanent aggression, the destruction of traditional kinship patterns, and the imposition of a system based on exploitation, dispossession and contempt."
Alfredo outlined what community kinship implies: “affinities and communions, coherence and consequences, eurythmies and memories; fraternity and communications; tunes and comradeships; rooting and junctions; concordances and correspondences; idylls and caresses.”

Thank you, partner, for your teachings and clarity!
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