Thursday, 11 June 2020

For P. Juan Bottasso

Following the publication of nº 6 of “Decires y Escritos”, with the title «The Earth in Heaven - Homage to P. Juan Bottasso», Sr. Wendy Cotter, CSJ, a friend of our colleague Alfredo, wrote a comment about her reading that - with her permission - we share here:

"Thank you very much for sending me this moving tribute to Father Bottasso, who also reveals something of your own journey, a journey that Father Bottasso would consider wonderful and bearing so much fruit.

Your tribute made me want to listen to Father Bottasso and I looked for some speech he could have given, some recording. I find him charismatic and so learned, so rooted in reality and understanding: 

This video was recorded on December 20, 2018, almost exactly a year before his passing. Father Juan died on Christmas Eve: there is a great symbol there.

It is the night when our hopes for a savior are finally fulfilled: a new life saving lives.

He seems like a person who affirmed and supported, celebrated the gift of life and freedom and respect for each person, each people. His tribute told me what inspiration he was, and as an inspired person, that same inspiration can be passed on to everyone.

A hug
Wendy ”

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