Sunday, 9 February 2020

Meritorious community

In recent years we constantly see, in whatsapp statuses, facebook posts, instagram and other social networks, images and expressions where many people proudly show their own successes or that of a family member. These "successes" range from arranging a room, winning a contest at a children's party, to obtaining a diploma or university degree, as well as opening a business or getting a job ...

Imagine, then, the immense pride that all members of the Network of Rural Libraries feel when they see the just recognition that our brother Alfredo Mires Ortiz has received from the Ministry of Culture, because, as he says, it is recognition for all the communities that are part of this organization, of this family.

Therefore, for us, being close to someone recognized as “Meritorious Person of Culture” is not only a source of pride, but also another reason to remain committed to this constant struggle in which we learn from our brother every day. Alfredo and everything he knows and shares about life, wisdom and the depths of community, our Peruvian history and culture and the entire world.

And this collective pride is due to Alfredo not only being a research anthropologist, but also because he is a brother, a companion that encourages us to continue, to move forward, to read, to learn and to unlearn. He encourages us with his songs, with his stories, with his poetry, with his drawings ... also with his jokes.

Now, with times being difficult with so many social networks and with so much television, people read less and have more vices, they publish and celebrate anything and not what is really deserving to celebrate, this recognition for Alfredo is a good sign for us. It is hope and encouragement.

Some brothers and sisters say it well in volume 22 of the Peasant Encyclopedia, "The Why of the When," from our series "We the Cajamarcans":

When you hear a little bird sing, it's because your day will be nice.

When many hummingbirds meet, it's because it will be a good year.

When we chew coca leaves and the coca sweetens us, we are doing well.

Thank you Alfredo for your work that predicts good times, thanks for those good signs that keep us believing.

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