Some people perform important and daily work in silence. Among them are many teachers who not only take care of many children every day, for long hours, but also try to train them, to encourage them grow and be knowledgeable. They are undoubtedly the people who - during the first years of life - spend a lot of time with our children. That's why we always want our children to have the best teachers.
However, today, many parents do not want their children to study to be teachers. Engineering, law and medicine are the careers that many parents propose - or force - to study their children, because that gives income and prestige.
In Rural Libraries we are always recognizing the value of education, at different levels. And our volunteers are eternally recognized for the lessons they acquire here.
Lola Paredes Saldaña has been a volunteer for the Network for over 20 years. In the morning she is a teacher at a recognized educational institution in Cajamarca. Lola, without making any fuss, uses reading, uses our books, transmits ancestral wisdom, recognizes the value of the ancients and promotes literary knowledge with the pupils and students of her educational centre.
Equally silent, Lola received recognition at the end of last year. Laureola de Oro for her career as a teacher at the UGEL (Local Educational Management Unit), Cajamarca.
Lola mentioned it to us in passing: Maybe that's why we delay in noticing that award.
We are proud of you, Lola. You are an example, a light, a guide in these imprecise times. Our sincere congratulations! And a big hug from our entire team.

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