Tuesday, 7 January 2020


We share here some fragments –related to health in our communities–, written by our brother Alfredo Mires and that are in the book “Esa luz de más adentro” (That light from within):

If health is the harmony of everything that exists, when there is a disease we must know at what time that harmony was interrupted. It is not the same as prescribing an aspirin.

And if an illness or a disease affects the body, it is absolutely logical that it also affects the spirit or mood. It is not enough to heal the body: it is necessary to heal the mood at the same time.

Our medicine is then a way of understanding the world, an immense set of knowledge and a way of perceiving and knowing symbols and signs, of life and death, of diseases and remedies.

Ignorant and foolish are those who say that these are vulgar methods of "superstitious Indians." This medicine of ours has not gone, and perhaps we have never needed it so much now.

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