Tuesday 9 April 2019

City and contamination

One of the evils of the current era is the high pollution of cities. They tell us that these centres of agglomeration provide us with quality of life, that there we find means and resources to work and that, therefore, our existence will be better.

Yes, they are centres of concentration of people - and pollution; concentration of activities, goods and services - and also of consumerism, frenetic speed and dissatisfaction.

The urban centres are presenting the highest rates of air pollution. In large cities such as Lima in Peru and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, the levels are alarming; But the issue is not new: in Chile and Mexico for quite some time serious problems have arisen in this aspect and travelling in this direction are Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia ...

However, the Andean peoples who remain in the fields, living from the sowing and under the peasant rhythm, know that another way of living is possible. More simple and less contaminated. A more austere life trying to filter the attacks of the messages that indicate to us that to consume more, to buy more and to waste, is better. A more humble life, but wiser; a life in greater harmony with our planet, with our earth.

For this reason, the rural families of the Rural Libraries Network of Cajamarca say yes to our land, yes to life in the countryside, yes to a life in greater plenitude, greater happiness, greater autonomy.

Nathalia Quintero

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