August 28, 2018, the National Library of Peru on its 197th
anniversary, recognized five people who have encouraged and are
encouraging access to public libraries: our brother Alfredo Mires
Ortiz, co-founder and Executive Advisor of the Network of Rural
Libraries of Cajamarca, was among the honorees.
On that date, Alfredo already had commitments in the countryside, so he
could not attend; our sister Gabriela Hidalgo, a volunteer of the
Network in Lima, attended on his behalf.
know of the important role that Alfredo has had and continues to have
in these 47 years of journeys of the Network; not only feeding the
desire to read books and nature, but at the same time for the
tireless rescue of oral Cajamarcan traditions, the defense of the
land and the deepening of the Andean culture; also for his essential
research and teaching work on rock art, and the dignification and
recognition of peasant wisdom.
thanks to Alfredo, who encourages us and re-encourages us to continue
strengthening our principles.
sent this message:
the greatest affection, I would like to extend my greeting for the
197 years of the National Library of Peru.
welcome your recognition in memory of Father Juan Medcalf and all the
peasants who have made and make this path possible.
can not be physically present in this ceremony because of the
commitments I had already agreed with the communities: it is in the
countryside of our country where the deployment of volunteering is
never as now are we urged so much to read with depth our own history:
one critical reader more is one corrupted less. And a consistent
reader, is an honorable community member.
gratitude goes to you, in a hug of many arms."

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