As part of the
celebrations for the 197th anniversary of institutional life, the
National Library of Peru awarded the "Jorge Basadre Grohmann"
Recognition to Alfredo Mires Ortiz, executive advisor of the Network
of Rural Libraries of Cajamarca. The ceremony of recognition to
illustrious diffusers and disseminators of reading took place on 28th
The Minister of
Culture Patricia Balbuena was in charge of delivering the
recognition. I attended on behalf of Alfredo to receive the reminder
plaque and the chief resolution in which this distinction
Alfredo, our
beloved Ñaupa, was recognized for his contribution to the promotion
of libraries and for the promotion of reading that he has been doing
for many years, when he decided to accompany the pioneering
initiative of R.P. John Medcalf, and they went about involving more
and more peasants from Cajamarca, gradually involving more and more
With slogans such
as: "Rise and read with me, my brother"; "Read reveals
and rebels"; "Reading we are stronger", the Network of
Rural Libraries became established in the Cajamarcan countryside and
became a tool for the defense of cultural identity and fundamental
The footprints that
Alfredo continues to leave in his wake are traces that show a
non-negotiable commitment with rural libraries, with the countryside,
with Cajamarcan culture: they are traces that will continue to
accompany the men and women of Cajamarca.
Alfredo, for this well-deserved recognition.
Gabriela Hidalgo
Volunteer of the