Friday, 20 July 2018

Listen to the primal voices

The campesino families who belonging to the Network of Rural Libraries drink from the wisdom of the Andean culture, a cosmovision that implies an intrinsic and sensitive experience with nature. Therefore, for the upbringing and care of everything there are daily practices in rural communities; it is an affective relationship with the world, that is, the worlds: the one here, the one inside, the one above, the one there.

This expansion of the habitat allows the reverential, ritual and full conversation with other beings because it is not only the human community that knows: the plants know, the clouds, the Apus (sacred mountains), the farm, the lagoons, the rivers, all the people of these worlds that make up the Andean primordial culture.

You live, you talk and you learn from the authentic filiation with her; the Pachamama is in everything that exists, in what we see and cannot see, in what we share and support, because we are all land, we are all community.

So mistreating, exploiting, fouling and polluting the earth is the biggest affront we make to nature.

Listening to the voices of the Andean culture allows us to synchronize again with the voices of the crops, the sound and meaning of the winds and rain, the songs that community life generates, the simple and full life; the diverse, plural and happy life of the people of the countryside.

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