Sunday, 26 February 2017

Water that you should drink

Many years ago our brother Alfredo Mires Ortiz founded the Campesino Encyclopedia Project within our Network.

"The rescue of community knowledge," says Alfredo, "not only allowed us to reveal the immense fortune that animates us, but also the prodigious root of this tree that grounds us. Because we are not recovering the past, but the future. It is our own tomorrow that they have kidnapped from us: it is this journey that we are reconquering."

The Encyclopedia, as a thematic collection, reached volume 20, apart from the dozens of books with oral tradition that have been published. But it started again a couple of years ago, renewed and sharpened, and volume 21 has just come out of the press: "Water you should drink - Sayings and Phrases in the Cajamarcan tradition." (Original title: "Agua que sí has de beber – Dichos y refranes en la tradición cajamarquina").

These births bring us to life!

Soon we will announce the release date.

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