Friday, 12 August 2016

Jacinto and the ritual for the deceased

Jacinto Aguilar Neyra is a veteran with over thirty years as a Coordinator of our Rural Libraries Network.

From his community, in Carrizal, Cajabamba province he has remained dedicated despite political persecution, lack of funds, the weight of the books on the endless slopes on foot, and other problems that have presented themselves along our path.

Jacinto works tirelessly in the recuperation of our ancestral knowledge. A few weeks ago, as we visited him, we found him dedicated to the recuperation of the rituals surrounding the deceased. Not only is he recuperating the information but also recreating the drawings of the animals and mythical figures that are found in what the elders of the communities tell.

Various birds are depicted as winging messengers of death, as well as the dragon, angels and the Christian figures of Adam and Eve. The mixture of Christian and native symbolism in the representations that he has collected reflects the mix that is found in the Cajamarcan tradition.

This recuperation is especially significant now for our dear friend Jacinto, due to the pain of having recently lost his wife after a long illness.

Thank you, brother, for your courageous efforts and your unfailing commitment.

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