Monday, 20 June 2016

Guinea Pigs and Foxes

As part of a training session organized by the Community Programme for the Accompaniment of People with Projectable Capacities (Programa Comunitario Para el Acompañamiento de Personas con Capacidades Proyectables) –carried out in the Sócota hospital-, health professionals, teachers and parents participated in a dynamic called "Guinea pigs and foxes".  Alfredo Mires, Network Coordinator, led the activity helped by Rita Mocker, Programme Manager, and the coordinators of the Programme in the area.

During the discussion which followed the dynamic, the mechanisms of privatization -increasingly more severe- by small groups at the expense of the majority, were highlighted. Alfredo also focused on the tendency we sometimes have to concentrate on the small problems, everyday disputes, while forgetting that there are enormous problems - the destruction of the planet, the manipulation of the system, the inertia of the authorities, the pollution of our water by extractive projects or with rubbish, the loss of respect in our society and the numbing of the minds of our children. Also… "We are now confronted with illnesses that we never knew before; our streets are full of pharmacies ... When did we become a sick society?"

Alfredo commended the health workers, teachers and parents for the excellent work they do to help the progress of children with difficulties and to ease their suffering. “The more fortunate we are, the more we have to learn, and the more responsibility we have to serve those who haven’t been as fortunate and who are in need of assistance. When we have a child with difficulties in the classroom, it is us and the other children who are the real "beneficiaries": in this way we can also learn to be more caring, more generous, fairer and more humane".

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