Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Sarah's visits us

Accompanied by Javier Huamán Lara -Executive Advisor of the Network-, Helen Heery and Carlos Bárcenas -from Sarah's Rural Library Fund-, recently visited several of our Rural Libraries in the area of Bambamarca.

With the children and adults of the communities, they had the opportunity to hold meetings and reading circles: in Lucma -with our coordinator Manuela Vásquez-, in Chala -with our coordinator Víctor Carranza-, in Lyuchocolpa, el Tambo, etc.

We keep on walking!


In mid-March 2020, we had our last assembly and returned to our communities without knowing when we would meet again: a planetary emergency had been declared due to the presence of the pandemic, Covid19.

Today, with the presence of Helen Heery and Carlos Bárcenas -from Sarah's Rural Library Fund-, Milagros Saldarriaga and two companions -from the Casa de la Literatura, Lima-, and fellow coordinators of the Network, we met for three days to make a diagnosis of what has happened to our Network in these two years and to see how we will move forward.

We are opening doors and windows within ourselves and along the paths we want to follow.