Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Our books in the House of Literature


A few weeks ago, the Peruvian House of Literature held a Cultural Day on the Network of Rural Libraries of Cajamarca and the Peasant Encyclopedia.

Part of this event was the presentation of the documentary: "Contributions for a film about the Rural Libraries Network of Cajamarca", as well as the reading and commentary of the book "Cosmovivencia" and some fragments of the Peasant Encyclopedia. They also made several of our publications available to readers, which were very well received.

And, of course, we could not miss the narration of some Cajamarcan stories compiled by our brothers and sisters in the different communities. It is good to know that these stories go a long way before reaching our homes: they are collected in the communities (in notebooks or recordings), organised by themes, processed, edited, reviewed and consulted to see if it is what each community member wanted to tell; finally, they are published and go to the communities, to our homes, to the schools. Therefore, it fills us with joy and hope to know that now they are also in other places, being valued by children, young people and adults, all enjoying the wisdom and witticisms of our grandparents.

Thank you very much, friends of the Peruvaian House of Literature, for spreading the culture of our communities.

Offering to Qayaqpuma

Mara Mires Mocker has been visiting us for a couple of weeks in Cajamarca.

She took advantage of this time to visit and make her offering to the tutelary Apu of our brother Alfredo and our community: El Qayaqpuma.

Mara took with her her father's recent book, "Romance de la montaña", to present it to the Apu as an offering.

Mass for health 2

The academy of Coppèlia Ballet Cajamarca, organised a mass for our brother Alfredo.

This same virtual Mass was officiated by R.P. Miguel Garnett.

We thank the academy for their affection and solidarity and all those who participated with their generous interventions in this celebration.

Monday, 19 September 2022

Brotherhood and reciprocity

Sharing what the land produces is a very natural and gratifying custom that we have learned from our grandparents, a custom that today is not only a source of pride but also of dignity and reciprocity, but above all of brotherhood.

Olmedo Sánchez Cerdán from the area of Sócota, province of Cutervo, who came to the city of Cajamarca looking for his child Richard Alexander to be treated in the regional hospital of Cajamarca, is grateful for the welcome in the house of the Network and shares with us the delicious oranges and tasty avocados.

Thanks to the family for their dedication in the cultivation and for their signs of affection.

Reading in Jaén

Our coordinator of Rural Libraries in Jaén, Elizabeth Olano, has sent us these photos of reading in Jaén with her students.

We celebrate the work of our members of the Network in Jaén.

Mass for health 1

On 29th June, a mass for the health of our brother Alfredo took place, organised by his classmates - "Amantes para el progreso" - from the school Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Zaña.

The mass was both face-to-face and virtual.

The classmates gathered afterwards to send messages of encouragement and affection together - or from the places where they are now - to their classmate Alfredo, who was president of their class.

Thank you very much for all this presence!

Shirley with us


Our sister Shirley Gonzáles, who is working in Huamachuco, has made an offering to the earth and the mountains with the children of her school.

These offerings have also been made for the health of our brother Alfredo.

Thank you, Shirley for your enormous solidarity and affection!