Thursday 31 December 2020

From whom do i learn?

A few weeks ago I was asked what training I received during my time as a student teacher, the question included my training in virtual environments.

Considering that I studied to be a teacher in the 1980s, it is to be imagined that the most advanced technology that I had at my fingertips was the typewriter that my neighbor lent me when a teacher required us to present our work transcribed in said apparatus.

The first time I was confronted with the use of a computer was around 1997 when, the first day I arrived as Alfredo's assistant, he asked me to put addresses on some letters that later had to be printed. I remember that I told him “I have never operated a computer”, he replied: “I am going out, so pay attention”, and he told me what steps I should follow to achieve that first great feat. Sure enough, when he came back, the letters were ready and the document had three or four backups. Thus, Alfredo taught me something every day. I also remember one afternoon when I couldn't open the files, so Rita rushed to my aid and told me that by typing "win" the computer would show everything I needed. Over the years, I have also learned as my children have had patience to teach me. During all these years, there has been someone who taught me the tricks of these devices and helped me discover the things that can be done with them; like Karina, a constant and patient teacher.

And there are many more things that I learnt and am still learning with my family of the network: be careful when presenting documents, which must always be impeccable and understandable; take care of the organization of an activity anticipating the situations that could arise; read more and better for ourselves and for others; write taking care of the smallest details of writing, but, above all, of ideas.

And so it is that you learn according to the teacher. In the network, I have several: Alfredo, with his love, patience, insistence and perseverance. I am also be a better teacher because of him as he doesn't lose heart in his constant attempts to make us true teachers. Rita, always supportive and looking for ways to help children with projected abilities to have a dignified, constant and forward-looking life. Karina, taking care of the house and the resources of the Network so that they last longer. Rumi, Mara, Zelma, young companions, full of life and enthusiasm. Nathalia, studious and organized, doing her best so that the Network is also up to date with the documentation. And what to say about my fellow volunteers: the teacher José Isabel, always ready to support me by telling stories to my school children (this year it could not be), and all the others, each with their personal touch of simplicity and wisdom.

It is incredible how many teachers I have in the network, how much I learn from them and how much more I still have to learn.

Thank you, Alfredo, for bringing me here.

Lola Paredes Saldaña

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