The end of the year is approaching and in the Community Programme it is our turn to monitor and evaluate our work.
It is not our favourite thing to do, but at the beginning of the coordinators' meeting one morning in November I see cheerful and happy faces. I am also encouraged. I think that we evaluate in order to improve, to be able to better accompany children with projectable capacities. They are our articulating axis. Our proposal revolves around them.
Sometimes it is difficult to make our friends in the organisations that support us understand that. It is even more difficult for auditors to understand us, because in this world of ‘impact indicators’ and ‘logical framework’, the sense of community has been lost. But we remain just that: a big family that treats each other with respect and affection, that puts affection before economics and embrace before perfection.
Because before being librarians (or coordinators) we are human. And we are collective, we are the other, we are the others, as Alfredo taught us. We are proud of that.
Rita Mocker